Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CCIL on CAN TV 10/8/09 - Guest Leroy Ledbetter

Mr. Leroy Ledbetter, CCIL alumni and Landscape Services Supervisor, was a guest on CCIL’s weekly CAN TV show, Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. Leroy and host Jenny Brandhorst explored the circumstances that brought him to CCIL and the steps he took to rebuild his life. During the show Leroy received on-air calls admiring him for his positive transformation and encouraging him to keep up the great work. Leroy acknowledged CCIL as safe place to get his life back on track. He is proud of his work and accomplishments in CCIL's Landscape Services division. The beautiful flora lining of the Magnificent Mile, Lake Shore Drive, LaSalle Street and other city boulevards stems from CCIL’s award-winning landscape business, a job training model that has been replicated throughout the country. CCIL has been providing hope for families and individuals affected by poverty and homelessness for 100 years and counting.

Hotline 21 is a live, interactive, call-in show. Viewers are encouraged to call 312-738-1060 with questions or comments. This is a great opportunity to learn more about CCIL's mission, programs, partnerships and people served.

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