Friday, October 16, 2009

CCIL on CAN TV 10/15/09 - Guest Larry Bates

Pictured above: Hallway at CCIL's old location, 123 S. Green Street, Chicago, IL

CCIL alumni Mr. Larry Bates gave a lively, energetic testimony on CCIL’s weekly CAN TV show, Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. Callers phoned in giving words of encouragement and also inquiring if Larry still “wrestles” with temptations from his previous life style.

“I was homeless, in and out of the penitentiary, married to alcohol and drugs. CCIL changed all that,” stated Mr. Bates.

Throughout the show Larry and host Jenny Brandhorst discussed the steps he took in rebuilding his life. He praised his God for the eye-opener and strength to change. Larry also recognized CCIL as a beacon of hope when times were tough for him.

“I let God drive the truck now. He’s in control of my life. Whenever I drive the truck, I always crash. My life is in God’s hands,” said Larry Bates.

CCIL has been providing hope for families and individuals affected by poverty and homelessness for 100 years and counting.

Hotline 21 is a live, interactive, call-in show. Viewers are encouraged to call 312-738-1060 with questions or comments. This is a great opportunity to learn more about CCIL's mission, programs, partnerships and people served.

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