Monday, February 8, 2010

A Safe Haven Foundation is Proud to have had a role in helping Haiti Earthquake Victims

A Safe Haven Foundation provided emergency temporary shelter and accommodations for survivors/evacuees of the recent earthquakes in Haiti. More than 240 Haiti survivors arrived in Chicago the week of January 20, 2010. Among the agencies on hand at O'Hare Airport to greet these survivors were representatives from A Safe Haven. Survivors were transported to A Safe Haven/CCIL's facility in Chicago where they were provided with food, shelter, lodging and comfort. It was originally anticipated that a total of 30 flights of emergency evacuees would be brought to Chicago, and A Safe Haven was prepared to provide whatever support services that were needed to assist in housing and welcoming the survivors. Due to travel conditions being stabilized in Haiti, it has been determined that no additional non-medical emergency evacuations will be required for the foreseeable future. Should the need for evacuations arise again, A Safe Haven/CCIL will be ready to provide immediate support services.

For full disclosure purposes and in response to this new information, A Safe Haven is no longer accepting monetary or in-kind donations restricted for our 'Hope for Haiti' special effort. All monies received by A Safe Haven for the "Hope for Haiti" account will be applied toward the direct expenses related to serving the needs of those evacuees who found comfort and safety at A Safe Haven/CCIL. We will continue our outreach to support those evacuees who are now trying to re-establish their lives after this tragic event. Any donations that are not utilized directly will be donated to other charities that are directly assisting the Haiti relief effort. In redirecting any aid, A Safe Haven intends to respect the intent of the original donation. A Safe Haven Foundation will continue to accept donations that support its ongoing operations in serving the needs of the homeless and those suffering from the disease of addiction.

"We were honored to be asked to be part of the effort to provide comfort and care to these individuals who survived this tragic earthquake. Our experience in providing shelter and support services to stabilize the lives of people in crisis was invaluable in this situation. Our professional staff and volunteers showed extreme dedication and compassion in welcoming the survivors to our facilities," said Neli Vazquez-Rowland, President of A Safe Haven Foundation. "This outreach combined the talents and efforts of A Safe Haven/CCIL, the City of Chicago, volunteers, business partners, other service and public agencies; all working together to care for and comfort these survivors until they could reach their families and friends in other cities. Together, we cried, laughed, prayed, and sang with the survivors. It was very moving to hear their stories, and witness their faith and courage. We are also blessed to have the most incredible staff in the world. Many of our staff and volunteers worked 36 hours straight to ensure everyone was welcomed with warm food and open arms no matter what time they arrived!" added Ms. Vazquez-Rowland.

We would like to thank Sam's Club, Chicago Mini Bus Travel, Aramark, Rotary One, Allison Payne, and all the other donors and volunteers for their support in providing services not only to our guests from Haiti, but their ongoing support of our operations that provide housing and support services to the homeless and those suffering from addictions. Through their efforts we were able to provide the survivors from Haiti with comfort and care in their time of need.

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