Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feinstein Challenge 2010 - Help Us Fight Hunger!

We at A Safe Haven Foundation (ASHF)/Chicago Christian Industrial League (CCIL) are working around the clock to stop the ravages of homelessness and hunger. In October 2009, ASHF was chosen by CCIL's Board of Directors to shepherd and continue the mission of serving the homeless. Through combined service operations, ASHF/CCIL will have a wider footprint and voice for serving those in crisis and transition.

We can't fight hunger and homelessness alone...we need your help!

For the 13th consecutive year, Alan Shawn Feinstein is dividing $1,000,000 among hunger fighting agencies nationwide to help raise awareness and funds during March and April 2010. Visit for more information about this remarkable grassroots effort in supporting hungry families. Any donation we receive designated to the Feinstein Challenge, qualifies ASHF for additional funding from this campaign.

Our Community Food Pantry is a prime example of how we're assisting people in crisis and transition. Since its inception in November 2006, the demand in the Pantry has escalated. We are feeding more than 250 families every week, and distribute approximately 10,000 pounds of food per month.

This year we plan on meeting and exceeding Mr. Feinstein's challenge making this one of the most successful anti-hunger campaigns ever! We know, firsthand, the need in these economic times is truly great. All assistance is greatly appreciated.

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