Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mission Not Impossible…

Chris Wiens, CCIL Employee and Loyola Graduate, Runs for Mission Year
The 1st Annual Lawndale 5K Walk/Run hosted by Mission Year and Christian Health Center was a huge hit this past weekend. Spectators lined the North Lawndale streets and Douglas Park paths to cheer on the many runners who raised money and awareness for Mission Year, a year long urban ministry program focused on Christian service and leadership.

Chris Wiens, CCIL Volunteer Coordinator and recent Loyola graduate, was one of many runners who went above and beyond. He finished in the top 100 with a time of 23:48 – meeting and beating his own personal goal. Wiens raised more than $250 in pledge support, all of which will be donated to Mission Year.

“Everything about the day was great! The weather, the crowd, the entertainment – it was all so invigorating. Mission Year is such a worthwhile cause and I’m honored I was able to contribute, especially since CCIL has been blessed with amazing Mission Year volunteers for the past three years,” said Chris Wiens.

Leroy Barber, Mission Year President, also ran in the race. A youth drum line and Shawn Casselberry, Chicago City Director for Mission Year, provided entertainment and energized a crowd of more than 500 people.

In the fall of 2008 through the summer of 2009, Kristin Lundquist and Stephen Baker will be the third pair of volunteers from Mission Year to work in CCIL’s Community Food Pantry.

Mission Year is a year long program where Christian young people live in an urban neighborhood volunteering, worshiping, and loving their neighbors. By partnering with a local church, volunteering at a service site, and spending time with neighbors, Mission Year Team Members effectively impact their communities while catching a deeper vision for what the Kingdom of God is like. Visit for more information.


wiensy said...

What a great time on that run! And that is really awesome to see North Lawndale putting on a run through the community.

Brian Gannon said...

Mission Year did not put this event together. It was strictly Lawndale Christian Fitness/Health Center. This is completely false

JP said...

Hey Chris -

John, from Mission Year. Brian's post is accurate - Mission Year in no way played a role in putting this event on. We only encouraged 11 friends, alumni and staff to run the Lawndale Health Clinic 5k and sponsor Mission Year in doing so (similar to how individuals run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon to sponsor World Vision). Thanks for clarifying this Brian - it was truly an amazing event - one that we were certainly proud to participate in, however, we in no way want to receive any credit when it is entirely due to the workers at the Lawndale Christian Fitness/Health Center. Thanks!